2022 CMMA Scholarship Award Recipients

For the past twelve years, the CMMA has provided up to three scholarships annually to applicants from around the region. Each scholarship is in the amount of $2,500. The scholarship competition has grown in popularity every year. This year’s competition was very strong with 19 applicants. To be eligible to apply, the applicant must either work at a CMMA member business or have a family member that works at one. The applicant must be going into a field of study that aligns with a manufacturing business.
This year’s scholarship recipients are Harris Schaub, Cody Hartman, and Nathan Keen.

Harris Schaub
Harris Schaub is currently employed at JD Metalworks, where is has spent nearly 10 years and now manages a building. He is pursuing a degree in Business Management to be a better individual for his employer and share inspiration that it’s never too late for education.

Cody Hartman
Cody Hartman will be a freshman at Hobart Institute of Welding. He has a goal to become certified pipeline welder and possibly someday a welding inspector. Cody has begun his welding career at Legend Manufacturing Inc. in 2021.

Nathan Keen
Nathan Keen will be a freshman at Michigan Technological University where he plans to become a chemical engineer. Nathan has been a co-op student at Saint-Gobain since January 2022.
For information about future scholarship competitions or career opportunities in manufacturing, contact Harry Leaver, Executive Director, at 989.798.7966 or by e-mail at hleaver@centralmichiganmanufacturers.org.