2022 scholarship golf outing

The 12th Annual CMMA Scholarship Golf Outing was held July 7, 2022 at Bucks Run in Mt. Pleasant. It was a great success with beautiful weather.
Team Walters from Alro Steel turned in the lowest round. Team members included: Greg Walters, Dave Kyle, Jacob McKinstry, and Steven Kukla. The winner of the Steve Grace “Having The Most Fun” trophy this year was the Case Systems Team of Kelly Wehner, John Zaremba, Rochelle Beechum, and Dawn Ives.
This event supports the scholarships that CMMA awards each year. This year, we were able to award three scholarships. All of the winners were at the event with family members and were formally recognized. This year’s winners were: Cody Hartman, Nathan Keen and Harris Schaub.
If you would like to be involved in either the scholarship competition or the golf event next year, look for promotional information to begin in March/April for the scholarship applications and in May/June for the golf outing. The golf outing is usually held in July and registrations fill up fast.