Shortly after the creation of the CMMA, it became clear that we needed to assemble some teams of people to concentrate on issues common to many of our member businesses. Our view was to get individuals from member businesses that are the leaders in each of the targeted disciplines to start meeting and sharing information about how each of them handle different situations.
The initial areas of focus we identified included: Education, Executive Roundtable, Human Resources, Quality and Safety. We recently created a sixth group, Supply Chain Management. Others will be launched as the need and interest dictate.
Today’s special interest groups vary in size from about 12 members to 36. The majority of the members of any SIG come from our manufacturing businesses and are the most senior person in their respective discipline. A few associate member businesses may have a representative included if the group’s focus is in an area where they bring expertise. An example is the HR SIG has an associate member from the insurance sector and from MMC. When a SIG is launched, the members draw up a charter that basically defines their purpose and identifies goals, objectives and any deliverables. Probably the most beneficial outcome from any SIG is that it provides a platform to discuss any current issues and share best practices on how to address them.
We have all heard the term “No man is an army.” When you are part of a SIG, you now have an army. All of the members of that SIG can share their experiences in dealing with whatever the situation may be, giving you many different perspectives. Why reinvent the wheel if others have already done it?
Current Special Interest Groups
To support Central Michigan industries by consistently and effectively informing and engaging our youth, their parents, and educators in promoting skilled-trades career opportunities available in the Central Michigan area.
To provide executives of member companies with presentations and/or workshops regarding aspects of current business topics at the executive level. The Executive Roundtable is also utilized as a voice of the membership, specifically from its member companies’ executives, regarding CMMA’s effectiveness.
To assist member companies in internal succession planning and education of employees. Such programs/classes include: supervisory skills, communication, leadership, coaching/mentoring, difficult conversations, and more!
A group of people interested in applying and reaping the benefits of a quality program within their companies. Benefits include process improvements, product enhancement, cost savings, and increased customer satisfaction.
Safety professionals working together to provide Safety Training, Safety Tools, Safety Audits, and Safety Information to Central Michigan Manufacturing companies so that all employees go home the way they arrived to work.
Improving Supply Chain Management represents an opportunity for all of our manufacturing member businesses and, in many cases, many of our associate member businesses. The purpose of this SIG is to share information amongst the participants to identify opportunities to better manage their supply chains and leverage the advantages of strength in numbers.
Emerging Leaders aims to connect emerging professionals within the Mid-Michigan Region who share common interests such as improving work experiences, growing professional skills, and expanding networks.